‌Money Habit Therapy: How to Save

‌Disturbingly many people not only constantly complain that they waste many money they do not even know on what but also are not able to make savings. There are many information written on this topic but the problem is still very real for our society. We waste money on some insignificant things and do not even notice that. The society nowadays is full of consumerism and many seductive products industries sell us every day even we do not realize it. How to stand against this pressure? There are some important things you should always keep in your mind if you want to learn money saving strategies.

  • Control your expenses. You will never be able to save money if you just let them flow through your hands thoughtlessly. You must know for sure, on what you have spent your money, how much are you spending and how many money is left. It requires writing down all your expenses, even the smallest ones. Try not to forget anything. At the end of the month, you will see where your money went and many things will become clearer for you. It will make you think is it necessary to spend so many on some things that are not essential.

  • Create the goals to achieve. It will be easier to save money on some great purchase like journey, car or the apartments. You will be more motivated to afford a concrete thing and more concentrated on saving your money.

  • Plan and count your expenses. Figure out how much money do you spend on everyday needs – food, road to work and back, domestic essentials. Add the bills payments and some extra sum for some unplanned troubles or emergency expenses that may happen. This is what you need throughout a month; the rest of the money can be saved.

  • Stay cool and control your emotions. Train yourself to acquire a habit to pay the bills in the day of your salary. It will be better to plan the expenses with the money left and help you see more clearly how much is left for life.

  • When the monthly expenses will be clear for you and you will know the sum you are able to save each month, it is time to visit the bank. Open a deposit account and put 10-15% of your money there. There is a great choice of different deposit programs that offer per cent and help you even with the retirement planning.

  • Stop borrowing money. Especially it concerns borrowing them from banks, how attractive their offers may be. It is like drug addiction – at the beginning, people take credits to buy something important but then they go deeper in it and do it for everything they want. Never lent other people either. Money and friendship are different categories better not to mix. Besides, there are always chances that you will never see you money back.